10 DIY Macrame Dog Toy Ideas To Keep Your Dog Busy

Jane Foster

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DIY Macrame Dog Toy: Want to know how to make a DIY Macrame Dog Toy? These fun and easy dog toys are great for beginners. They’re cute, colorful, and will keep your dog entertained for hours! A DIY (do it yourself) dog toy that you can make with simple materials you probably have around the house — even if you’ve never tried this craft before!

Every dog deserves a fun toy, and a DIY macrame dog toy would make a fantastic homemade gift! After days of research, we were able 10 of the best DIY macrame dog toy ideas that you would love. Check them out and thank me later.

See also: 20 DIY Bandana For Dogs

1. Macrame Dog Toys DIY 

If you’re looking for the best way to upcycle your scrap macrame ropes, you should give this idea a thought! The idea is to make dog toys out of scrap macrame ropes. It doesn’t matter the colors or sizes of the ropes, just weave everything together and have a cute dog toy. The toy idea is numerous; one of them is very simple. Take all the shorter ropes and Tie them together with a rope and you have a dog toy. Follow this video for the remaining dog toys idea. 

2. DIY Macrame Dog Toy Tutorial 

You need macrame cords of two colors for this DIY toy; four pieces of cords from each color. Now, gather all the cords together and fold them in half. Pin them to a wall or any flat surface that is stable.  Separate the cords as shown in this video guide. It is very simple to understand the concept of the idea or procedure.  

3. DIY Dog Toy From Macrame 

The more scrap ropes you have, the more colorful the dog toy becomes! Gather all the scrap macrame rope you can find around. Cut them to the same size and fold them in half to get the midpoints. Unfold them, and pin the cords to a flat surface at the midpoint. Then, start making diamond knots with cords and you’re good to go. You can follow this guide to learn how to make diamond knots. 

4. How To Make A Dog Toy With Macrame 

What do you think about this pineapple design dog toy? Cute right?! You can make the same design for your dog and it’s going to love it. All you need is a hook, macrame cords of two different colors, and scissors. Cut four 110cm and two 130cm cords from one color. Then, cut four 30cm from the other cord. The 110cm will be for the pineapple body while the 30cm from the other color will be for the pineapple head. You can check out more details for this video below. 

5. Rope Dog Toy

You might need to be specific about the type of rope you use for your dog toy especially if your dog is very young. Paracord will be suitable for a young dog while poly rope can be used for much older dogs. 

Choose either of the ropes and get it in two colors. Other materials needed for this dog toy are scissors for cutting, and a lighter to reinforce the ends. Use your finger as a guide to making the first knots and after that, you can make the knots freely without any delay. Check out how to make the first knot below. dreamalittlebigger

6. DIY Dog Toy

If you’re looking for a customizable toy for your dog, this will be the right project for you. It’s the right size of toy you can make for any type of dog and also the dimension can be changed depending on what you want.  To make the toy colorful, you will need macrame cords of different colors. The diameter of the cord needed should be put into consideration as well; ¼” for small dogs, and ⅜” for large dogs.  You can get the directions for making the basic knots used in this guide.  instructables

7. Macrame Dog Chew Toy 

Your dog will find this bone-shaped chew toy interesting. Let’s see how you can make it as quick and cheap as possible. All you need is four pieces of paracord. The instructor used paracords because it’s accessible and easy to work with. However, the procedure used will be the same for a rope. 

The knots used for this paracord project are crown knots and diamond knots. To make a diamond knot, take two of the cords on each hand, then make a small loop in the middle of the left cord. Now, place the right cord over the loop and take it around the back of the loop and over the end. Follow this guide for the complete procedure of a diamond knot. 

8. DIY Dog Chew Toy 

Using these 12mm cords for your dog toy will give the dog a thick toy to chew on. This dog toy is very easy to make. Let’s see how to make it; cut a 4ft length rope from the cords and fold it in half. Then, make an overhand knot as close to the ends as possible. You’ll need to put it really tight to prevent the knot from opening. Repeat the knot for the other end and you’re good to go. 

9. Macrame Monkey Fist Toy For Dog 

Have you heard of monkey fist knots before? Well, it can be used as a perfect dog toy. Let’s see how you can start a monkey fist knot; fold the end of the cord you want to use and make an overhand knot at the loop. Cut off the extra from the fold and put the overhand knot between your first two fingers. After that wrap the length of the cords around the fingers and you’re good to go. Follow this video guide to learn the complete tutorial. 

10. How To Crochet Dog Bone 

The only difference between crochet and macrame is that you need to use a knitting needle to make knots in crochet while you use your hand in macrame. Get a cotton cord of any color and the knitting needle ready.  You don’t need to cut the cord as your crochet is a continuous craft. You can only cut the cord at intervals and join it back if necessary. However, most crochet craft doesn’t require cutting until the end. Youtube


The fact that dogs love to chew/exercise their teeth makes it a necessity to have a chew toy/dog toy for it. Or else, it might be chewing on anything it finds around and that might be bad.  

In this guide, you have 10 different designs of macrame dog toys that can be made from scrap ropes/cords. One thing that makes macrame crafts more amazing is that you only need a few materials to make excellent things. The macrame dog toy is one of the amazing craft

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